
Pictures of Various Humanitarian Activities Carried Out

Borehole Renovation And Construction Of Gender Sensitive Toilet At Islamia Primary And Secondary School Led To Enrollment Of 147 Pupils Into Primary School And 58 In To Secondary School. Other Indirect Beneficiaries Are 36 Teachers And About 560 Children In The School. January 2019

Construction Of 52 Class Room Dual Desk At Lgea Angwan Makama, Akwang Lga Of Nassarawa State For The Enrollment And Retention Of 54 Pupils. Other Indirect Beneficiaries Are 130 Pupils In The School. April 2018

70 Adolescents been led To Vocational Training Centres To Acquire Selected Skills Ranging From Tailoring To Hair Dressing And Others

Financial Support Provided To 180 Caregivers In Akwanga And Nassarawa Eggon Lga To Start Income Generating Activities

76 Caregivers In Nassarawa Eggon Lga Supported With Materials To Start Selected Income Generating Activities

Improved Seedling Distributed To Over 350 Farmers In Benue State To Increase Farm Yield And Subsequently Household Income. March 2019

Vocational Training For 60 Adolescents On Soap Making Across Benue State

Established Over 40 Village Saving Associations With 1000 Caregivers Who Are Constantly Saving And Have Access To Loan

Before And After Picture Of A Malnourished Child Supported With Needed Health And Nutrition Services

Before And After Picture Of A Malnourished Child Supported With Needed Health And Nutrition Services

20 Beneficiaries Supported To Access Health Care Services

Food Support To Over 30 Destitute Households Across Benue State

Collaborated With NPOP C To Provide Birth Certificate To Over 1000 Children Who Hitherto Did Not Have

Small Group Discussion With Adolescents At The Facility, Community And Schools On HIV Prevention

102 Children Provided With Clothing Support In Benue State

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