  • No. 6 Gindiri Street, Garki II, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Mon - Sat 8.00 - 17.00. Sunday CLOSED
Selected Income Generating Activities 76 Caregivers In Nassarawa Eggon LGA Supported With Materials To Start Selected Income
Generating Activities of Their Choice Respectively
Household Economic Strengthening Financial Support Provided To 180 Caregivers In Akwanga And Nassarawa Eggon LGA To Start
Income Generating Activities


Our Vision

Nigerian Communities where women, children and youth (especially the marginalized and disadvantaged) live lives free of Hunger, ill-health and HIV/AIDS

Our Mission

To assist and enable women, children and youth in Nigerian Communities meet the challenges of Hunger, ill-health, HIV/AIDS and other complex problems that face them.

Our Goal

Our goal is to ensure improved health and socio-economic status of women, children and youth in Nigeria rural and urban communities.


About Clap NGO

Community Life Advancement Project (CLAP NGO) is an human right, development peace-building and empowerment Non-Governmental Organization registered in Nigeria with special interests in vulnerable population, health, education and economic empowerment. The organization has a retinue of well-trained volunteer personnel with core competencies in the aforementioned areas and with past experiences therein.

Sustainable Peace

Economic Development

CLAP NGO promotes peaceful coexistence among all peoples and communities in Nigeria. The organization aims to foster unity and development in people’s lives, and promotes the inclusion of women’s voices at all levels of policy making.

our services

Special High-quality Services

Since its founding CLAP has been providing its communities with the full medical care, encompassing Primary Health-care Provision, Combating HIV/AIDS, Promotion of Maternal, Child and Adolescent Rights and more.

Primary Health-care Provision

This involves Strengthening the primary health-care system  and through it reach many rural communities in Nigeria

Combating HIV/AIDS

CLAP is committed to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and mitigating its impact on Nigerian people and communities.

Poverty Alleviation

CLAP works with communities to identify root causes of hunger and poverty, build the capacities of individuals

Don’t just inspire to make a living,

Inspire To Make A Difference

Reach out, pull someone else up, and make a difference in someone’s life today.

Get In Touch or Call Us: +234 803 313 9486

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